Thursday, October 31, 2019

Decision Making Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Decision Making - Assignment Example In this step, one should be weary of confirmation bias, which makes one ignore incoming information because they have already decided what is best. The narrator states that dilemmas might make it hard to make decisions, as one might find themselves stuck in cyclical indecisiveness. External and internal pressure might cause one to resort to the following: make impulsive decision or delay or avoid decision-making process. The narrator outlines the following decision making skills, which help ease the decision making process: Neuromodulators such as serotonin play a crucial role in influencing the decisions we make. Therefore, the narrator suggests that it is best to make decisions in the morning compared to making them in the afternoon, as serotonin levels are higher in the morning. Decisions made later in the day are more risk-averse, as one tends to gravitate towards the status-quo bias. This leads to indecision, as many opt to postpone making the decisions. Decisions trigger anxiety within the individual tasked with the decision-making responsibility, as one is constantly evaluating whether they considered all the relevant factors prior to making the decision. It is easier to make a decision solely compared to making a decision after considering other people’s different perspectives. The narrator uses the example of dictatorship and democratic regimes whereby, he claims the latter are plagued with decision-making

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

What Is Philosophy Essay Example for Free

What Is Philosophy Essay Philosophy is integrated into every individual’s life. This essay will analyse the differences between Western, Chinese and Indian traditions. It will evaluate what it is that constitutes a valid philosophical enquiry and investigate different branches of philosophy. It will also look into the ways in which philosophy is utilised in contemporary society and the ways in which language impact on philosophy. Greco-Roman tradition originally came from Greek and Pagan culture, later gaining influences from other cultures. When the belief in the actual existence of Gods and Goddesses died, reasons needed to be provided for human existence, the purpose of life, and the problems of living in a civilisation. This saw the Greek philosophy grow and the traditions main issue was to define and describe human life and conditions. The tradition later became known as Western tradition, as the Greek’s and Roman’s used ideas from other cultures and ingrained them within their tradition. This still remains a key feature of Western tradition today. There are few surviving original sources of the tradition, preserved by Catholic and Orthodox monasteries, despite their differences to Christian teachings. The influences from Western tradition are key features in society today. It provided reason and science which can be seen as the ground works for technology and science today. â€Å"From the Greco-Roman period came respect for the rule of law, the idea of natural law, and, for its day, toleration of religious beliefs. † (Pappas, 2005) If anything was so prevalent in society today it would be that thought. The ability to live among others with different beliefs but still all follow the same laws is a necessity in todays society. The Western tradition taught us to question who we are and respect individuality, a teaching which lives on to this day. Dissimilar to Western tradition, which looks to define human life and conditions, the Chinese traditions main aim is to keep harmony at all times. Confucius was China’s most famous philosopher. â€Å"The most important thing to Confucius was Jen, or human kindness, love of man. Jen is the ideal feeling of warmth, kindness, dignity, and respect that should develop between two people. † (Powell, 2000, p. 95) The Chinese tradition is one of practicality, therefore the importance of logic is paramount. Logic sees that everything is subject to change, and that opinions and beliefs are of their time and place. Differing to the Western tradition, the Chinese took few ideas from other cultures, highlighting the desire for China to remain separated from other societies. It did however, take influence from Buddhism, but even this was adapted to suit Chinese culture. The Chinese tradition believes that to remain harmonious is of more importance than finding the truth. Followers of Chinese tradition may not see it fit to unburden themselves of their woes onto others as this is not harmonious. Arguably the oldest surviving tradition, Indian tradition aims to eliminate unhappiness and create nirvana, the cessation of suffering. Unlike the Western tradition, both the Chinese and Indian combine philosophy and religion. Indian tradition however does so more harmoniously by combining them both equally. Because of this, Indian tradition is compared to a Banyan tree, with its deep roots and tangled canopy representing the intertwining of Indian philosophies and religions. Buddhism is originated from India. This philosophy believes in karma, that what you are reincarnated as is a reflection of your past life. From a cynical point of view, it could be seen that followers of Buddhism are kind only to protect their reincarnation, and that it is not a selfless act they are carrying out, just one which will benefit them in their next life. It is important that all philosophical enquiries are valid so correct outcomes are produced. There are many elements that constitute a valid philosophical enquiry. It must not be biased or favour one side. It must be non-emotional and it must be able to bring together the deductive and inductive methods of reasoning. It is arguable that for the enquiry to be valid it would need to be proven. This may not be the case and it could be believed that it would just need to not be disproved. For example, it has not been proved that God ever existed, however it has not been disproved. Therefore, the question as to whether there is or was a God, is a valid philosophical enquiry. A valid philosophical enquiry should only be based on evidence and not include feeling or opinion. The final conclusion of the enquiry should then be interpreted and evaluated. No hasty predictions should be made as it should be based just on fact. Descartes provides his process when producing a philosophical enquiry in Discourse on Method. (See appendix 1) There are many different branches of philosophy. Romanticism is originated from 18th century Germany. Romantics react negatively to what the modern world does to people, for example the effects modern day technology have on human interaction. Jean-Jacques Rousseau marked the way for the Romanticism movement as he â€Å"believed that civilisation was a corrupting influence on people, who are instinctively good † (Kindersley, 2011, p. 144) Romantics are very much against the dehumanisation of the modern world where technology replaces people. A romantic might argue that the self-service check outs provided at most supermarkets have a negative effect on human interaction as there is no need to communicate with people face to face now when shopping. Romanticism links with another branch of philosophy, Environmentalism. This philosophy is concerned with keeping the planet green. Environmentalists, like Romantics, are concerned with the developments happening in society and the effects they could have on the planet and those within in the future. In complete contrast to Romanticism and Environmentalism, The Enlightenment is another branch of philosophy. It also originated in 18th century Western Europe but is closely allied with science. It challenges the rule of religious superstition and tradition and uses science to provide most, if not all, of the answers. It sits well with the development in human beings and their surroundings. Ethics is a branch of philosophy that moves with the times. As society, religion, and politics move forward, so do the ethics within those institutions. It is perfectly possible that the ethical issues one experienced in their upbringing could totally differ from those they experience in their adult life. Ethics is a system of values where certain things are â€Å"right† and certain things are â€Å"wrong†. Abortion is a subject that has always been surrounded by moral and ethical issues. (See appendix 2, BBC, 2013) Until 1967, abortion was illegal in England. This however, does not mean it did not happen. In the 1950’s, when abortion was still illegal, mothers carrying unwanted babies would seek non medical personnel to carry out abortions. This was highlighted in a recent episode of Call the Midwife, a drama series based on the personal experiences of an East End midwife in the 1950’s, where a mother had an illegal abortion which lead to her contracting septicaemia. (‘Episode 5’, 2013) Times have clearly moved on, and today abortions are far more available and medically safe. But that does not mean that the ethical views of some have changed with the times, regardless of whether the law has changed. It is important to consider teleological and deontological theories when dealing with ethics. Teleological theorists believe that it is the end result of an action that determines whether the action was good or bad. Deontological theorists however, believe that each action in itself is good or bad, regardless of the consequences. (Harrison-Barbet, 2001, p. 186) There are many ethical issues raised in the arguments against abortion, one of the main being that killing an innocent human being is wrong. (BBC, 2013) This is a deontological argument. It is arguable as to when you consider a foetus a human being. Is it at the conception stage when it is simply a collection of cells, or is it when the heart begins to beat and when the brain starts to function? At around 18-22 weeks a foetus acquires sentience, the awareness of pleasure, pain and perception. As it stands, abortions can be carried out on females up to 24 weeks into pregnancy so ethically one could argue that carrying out abortions this far through in pregnancy is wrong. (Lacewing, 2010) Arguing from a potential perspective creates further questions as to whether contraception is as wrong as abortion. People who oppose abortion may argue that although the foetus may start off as just a collection of cells, it has the potential to become a human being who has the right to life. Therefore, even using contraception is wrong as it prevents the potential of life. Pro-abortionists however may argue that potential means that something does not yet exist so why treat it with the same ethical values as something that does exist. (Lacewing, 2010) Pro-abortionists would also argue that the pregnant female has moral and ethical rights and these may outweigh the foetus’ rights. This could be the case if the female was a victim of rape and would suffer mentally and emotionally if they went through with the pregnancy, or if the continued pregnancy could have detrimental effect on the female’s health. In conclusion, abortion faces many ethical issues from both pro and opposing viewpoints. It is a subject that cannot be determined as right or wrong by science or philosophy. In the end, the most important viewpoint that should be considered when making such a decision is the pregnant female. The impact of language on society is a lot more prevalent than one may assume. Umberto Eco believed that we learn through our knowledge of languages, and that translating between one language and another is not just about comparing them both, but interpreting them in the ways they were written, based on culture. The philosophy of language looks at what the nature of meaning is. John Searle explains that language is crucial in the understanding of human life, and to look into human characteristics without language would be impossible. (YouTube, Unknown) Language is what distinguishes human from animals, the ability to understand the concept through language, which would not be possible through just observation. The development of language continues through time. Words used in an offensive manner now, were often used many years ago in day to day language. In Gloria Bertonis’, Stone Age Diva, she talks about the word ‘cunt’ and how its original meanings of woman, queen, and female genitalia, should evoke pride in females and that the word should not offend. It encourages females to reclaim words that have been used as weapons against them and recapture them for their positive qualities. (Bertonis, Date unknown) Such a word would once have just been used to describe a part of the body, like head or knee, but the context in which it is now used has turned it into a derogatory term. Semiotics is the study of the meaning of linguistic expressions. Clear examples of this are apparent every day. The letter ‘M’ presented in such a way is no longer just the letter but also an expression for McDonalds. The same applies to the letter ‘f’, which is now universally seen as a symbol for Facebook. Therefore, applying philosophy to language gives the language itself a whole new meaning. It is not just the letter and words that need to be taken into account, but also the context in which it is received. â€Å"A paradox is a statement that contradicts itself or a situation which seems to defy logic. † (Unknown, 2012) The liar paradox is a clear example of this. If one were to say they are lying, and were truly doing so, then they are actually telling the truth. (See appendix 3, Unknown, 2012) There are four primary paradoxes (see appendix 4). This essay will discuss knowability paradox. This is the recognition that some truths are not currently known but that they are all knowable. This means that we as a world do not know everything, so truths that may be proven in the future, could make what we consider as known truths today untrue. (Salerno, 2009) An example of this could be developments in medical science. With the constant developments in medicine, something we thought we knew as true 50 years ago, may now prove to be untrue because of new medical knowledge. In conclusion, it is clear that all individuals use philosophy in day to day life, whether they are aware of it or not. Philosophy aids us in learning more about ourselves and the world, which is what humans naturally strive for. It helps us be reasonable, which is a characteristic which helps one fit in to society and live among others who may be different. It also helps us be moral and ethical, as discussed previously in this essay. Without morals and ethics we would have no guidance as to what is right and wrong. Therefore, the world would not be as it is today without philosophy, and may be a much harder world to live in without it. ‘Episode 5’ (2013) Call the Midwife, Series 2, episode 5. BBC One Television, 17 February BBC. (2013). Ethics Guide. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from BBC: http://www. bbc. co. uk/ethics/abortion/philosophical/introduction. shtml Bertonis, G. (Date unknown). Say It! The Origins of Cunt. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from vdaysunyoswego: http://vdaysunyoswego. worldbreak. com/custom2. html Harrison-Barbet, A. (2001). Philosophy. New York: Palgrave. Kindersley, D. (2011). The Philosophy Book. London: Dorling Kindersley. Lacewing, M. (2010). Philosophy for A2. Oxon: Routledge. Pappas, J. (2005, September 24). Our Greco-Roman Heritage. Retrieved March 2, 2013, from Liberty and Culture: http://libertyandculture. blogspot. co. uk/2005/09/our-greco-roman-heritage. html Powell, J. (2000). Eastern Philosophy For Beginners. New York: Writers and Readers Publishing, Inc. Salerno, B. B. (2009). Fitchs Paradox of Knowability. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: http://plato. stanford. edu/entries/fitch-paradox/ Unknown. (2012). Famous Paradoxes. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from BrainDen. com: http://brainden. com/paradoxes. htm YouTube. (Unknown). John Searle on the Philosophy of Language: Section 1. Retrieved March 3, 2013, from YouTube: http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=jOlJZabio3g.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Simulating Depth Of Field Effects Film Studies Essay

Simulating Depth Of Field Effects Film Studies Essay Depth of field effects: The distance between foreground and background is called depth of field. The depth of field is the distance in front and behind the point of focus. Objects outside of the depth of field are out of focus. In most cases, the depth of field extends one-third of its distance in front of the focal point, and two thirds its distance behind the focal point. Suppose a lens is focused at area, and lens required sharpness at X distance, and the subject is approximately at X distance, now if we move subject sometime near and far away from the camera at same position, than a very minute changes happen to sharpness . So in anywhere not in camera but our eyes also have some zone through which subject is acceptable sharp and that zone itself is the distance between the lens and the subject and that is called depth of field. However, due to limitations in the human eye, subjects that are slightly nearer to the lens and also subjects slightly further from the lens are perceived to be in focus. These below are the factors which affect more and less depth of field effects. More Depth of field effects Less depth of field effects To achieve more depth of field we have to use shorter focal length of lens. To achieve less depth ofd field effects we have to use longer focal length of lens. To achieve more depth of field we have to use small aperture size. To achieve less depth of field we have to use large aperture. Larger acceptable center of confusion (COC). Smaller acceptable center of confusion (COC). Distant plane of critical focus. Close plane of critical focus. Smaller film format. Larger film format. Focus split: Selecting near and far distance which need to be held equally and acceptably in focus and setting the focus distance to suit. Factors affecting Shallow depth of field effects in cameras High contrast lenses have less depth of field effects than the low contrast lens. Consequently, a smaller diameter of center of confusion should be used in depth of field calculation.(eg- 1/2000 instead of 1/1000 ) Lighting which sharply focused details, brightly lighted objects will appear to have less depth of field effects. The use of lens filter in between the lens and the subject, which will reduces maximum definition and make a greater degree of soft focus. As usual but very common, depth of field effects situation arises with uses of wide angle lens at moderate focus distance.( for e.g. 3ft to 12 ft) Object at infinity: This is occur especially when photographed using long focal length lens( more than 55 mm lenses) trend to appear tend to appear soft because of atmospheric elements(like moisture, smoke, dust, haze, smog). There is solution too for such situation that is only either use HAZE filters available in market or using light yellow filters to increase contrast and sharpness in film. This affects when you filming or photographing in any hilly area, mountain area, beaches, waterfall, or any natural area sometime forest too). In case of shutter release Priority: A fast shutter speed used in photography in order to capture fast moving object( e.g. like if you want to take a shot of moving car), whereas a slow shutter speed used to create blur effects on fast moving object( for e.g. a fast moving car in night and you want to capture back light of car as beam using slow shutter speed) , so therefore a fast shutter speed requires a larger aperture size lets say (f1/16or f/11 ) which allow small amount of light to enter the lens hence it extended depth of field effects and in case of slow shutter speed requires small aperture lets say (f2.8, or f2) which allow more light to enter the camera and hence it produce shallow depth of field effects. When aperture is more open than it allows more light to enter the camera and fall on camera CCD, hence to control amount of light we need a more shutter speed to accumulate and to prevent the photograph from over exposed. A telephoto lens gives you a narrow depth of field effects, by moving a lens as close as to the subject and use largest aperture size of camera lens, while to get the large depth of field use Wide angle lens and move your camera and lens as far as possible and use small aperture size. The degree of magnification that the image may be subjected to when shown or projected close or near to the audience sheet to the screen. I mean to say that when Audience close to a cinema screen will be more aware of soft focus than those who are far away from the cinema screen. Focus Bias: This can occur when one subject is in focus and rest is in out of focus like in case of macro photography with small aperture and long focal length for eg a 200 mm lens with aperture value of 2.8 or 2.0. Effects of aperture and the depth of field: The depth of field effects is being controlled by lens aperture value. If you increase the f-number than depth of field effects also increased but decrease the amount of light entering to the camera and when you decrease the f-number than depth of field effects also decreased (it gives shallow depth of field effect). In motion picture its very limited use of it. Generally cinematographer take a single aperture settings for a shot and for another shot they choose another setting as par locality and they adjust exposure settings with the help of light meter device which tells actuall amount of light presents in that area. Aperture settings and exposure settings are changed more frequently in still cameras than motion picture cameras. In photography and cinematography, variation in depth of field effects used to create various kinds of special effects. Camera movement and the depth of field effects: In film making, a person who looks and takes care of responsibility of lens changing, filter changing, point to focus, maintaining depth of field, setting focal length is known as focus-puller. Focus-puller is one of the assistant person in shooting crew members or camera man. A good focus-puller has very adequate and vast knowledge of cinematography. He has to focus and shift focus smoothly in such a manner that audience cant find jerk on them. In film industry most hard job is of focus puller. He has to perform his duty very accurately because suppose if any role given to actor to act on that, and he done that, but while recording focus puller didnt check focal length and filter than actor has to act again. Doing reshot is tough to achieve same expression what he achieved in previous shot. So this was example how much focus puller important to the cinematography. His work is more technical rather than creative. He has to keep in mind all the guidelines given by the director of phot ography during shooting a shot. Cameras depth of field limits The sharpness of depth of field can be increased by decreasing by Center of confusion, but its not as easy to decrease because it also has some disadvantage that is motion blur and diffraction. As we know center of confusion has inversely relation with f-number like a smaller center of confusion need a greater f number, but need a long exposure time. if we increase f-number than diffraction also increases which will soften or soft all the part of image, thus image will no longer be in sharp. The f-number which will overcome from center of confusion is the minimum acceptable sharpness value. If we increase f- number than the sharpness at limited depth of field improved. As we know there is also maximum f-numbers through which sharpness of depth of field in image gets over. The best f-number should be chosen in between of minimum and maximum f-numbers. Depth of field and Macro or close-up: One of the main difficulties with close-up photography is that keeping the image enough in focus. The closer the lens focuses, the less depth of field you have. When using a macro lens at its maximum magnification, depth of field may only extend a fraction of an inch. With floral close-ups, a small aperture is almost always needed, but even so, it is important that the lens focuses on a key focal point in the composition, since not in the entire frame. Depth of field and shooting on bright hot afternoon: While shooting at outdoor especially in day light, the director of photography may wish to reduce amount of light and the depth of field for a close-up shot. For reducing light, a very good filter available called neutral density filter commonly known as ND filter. Suppose the light meter indicating F/22 but we have till f/16, than ND filter play a very important role. This will reduce the amount of light entering to the camera and enable you to shoot on bright sunny day. On other case, if the director of photography wants a close-up shot, and you have to reduce your depth of field, because by reducing depth of field, it will out of focused the background and puts more importance to the subject or highlight the subject. Circle of confusion While shooting the film, the focus puller must be know that which part of scene should be sharp, so therefore we need something to measure the sharpness of image in relative to film limits of the eyes resolution at the time of viewing or at time of projection on screen. For example: if a image is captured through 35 mm film projected at theater, audience must be at distance of 1/3 back from screen. Now we know that eye resolving power is 1 minute of arc. From audience I mean 1/3 back from screen, the smallest size of a dot appearing on a screen which is in perfectly focused or sharp. Now we can easily measures the distance between audience and the screen through any inch tape, from screen the previous sharpen dot which appeared smallest at back now that will be largest dot from the screen, the arc of 1 minute comes up with physical dimension on the screen for the largest dot that the audience previously seen as a smaller sharp point. Figure 1 (need to put a diagram over here) Now the diameter of dot on screen is not actual size of dot, to find actual size of dot we have to calculate diameter of big dot appearing on screen, than we have to divide with enlargement factor needs to bring the size of our 33 mm film up to size of our cinema screen or projected area. This will bring the size of maximum or big dot. When lens is focused at infinity: If any point is focused from the infinity, the distance between plane of focus and the lens become the focal length of the lens. How image size varies at different points behind the camera lens: Figure 2 (need to put a diagram over here) You can see the image is not at extract plane of focus. The image was there somewhere after plane of focus. So in this case size the dot size forming big. Now imagine if the audience sees this dot size sharpen, clearly in focus, than we can easily calculate the amount of sharpness in which part of overall image looks sharp. Near and far points of focus: Figure 3 (need to put a diagram over here) In this case point B creating a sharp image on image plane or plane of focus, while point A creating image after crossing image plane or plane of focus, which means out of focus or blur or less sharpen image. Conclusion: In film plane, both near object and far away object (Lets take Point A and Point B) expanded and become confused to larger dot than the original dot. Hence this is the circle of confusion. Figure 4 (need to put a diagram over here) Thus, a center of confusion (COC) is the diameter of largest dot which is still considers being sharp, focused, and also seen by the audience in Film Theater when it projected on screen. Focus Split: Focus split is selecting the near and far distance which need to be held equally and acceptably in-focus and setting the focus distance to suit. Lets take x as the distance of near object from the camera lens Lets take y as the distance of far away object from the camera lens Than what could be the focus area? Hyper focal Distance: Hyper focal distance is maximum depth of field that starts from infinity to the camera. If a lens is set to hyper focal distance, than the depth of field effects is half of hyper focal distance from infinity. Hyper focal distance is the distance in which lens is focused at infinity, so that the object in background and foreground both will be at sharper focused. Hyper focal distance depends on many factors, some of like Focal length of the camera lens The aperture f- value Diameter of circle of confusion Hyper Focal distance = (FL2) f X COC Where FL means focal length, f-number means aperture size and COC means circle of confusion After knowing hyper focal distance, its easy to calculate near and far point Near point depth of field = H X S H+(S-F) Far point depth of field = H X S H-(S-F) Where H = Hyper focal distance value S = Distance from camera to the subject F = Focal length of camera lens COC = Circle of confusion Focus Bias: Focus bias occurs when one object is in focus and rest is in out of focus (for e.g like in case of macro photography, with larger aperture and longh focal length, i.e f 2.8 with 200 mm focal length) In cinematography, focus plane yet depth of field effects is calculated using the entrance puple position of

Friday, October 25, 2019

Essay example --

I do always believe in the fact that the more knowledge you gain, the more professional you become. This made me an obvious choice to pursue graduate studies to meet the pinnacle of professional excellence. Presently I am pursuing my final semester of undergraduate study in Computer Science and Engineering I feel it is the right time to take a decision regarding my Masters that contributes for better molding of my future career in the field. The philosophy which I strongly believe in my life is â€Å"A person may not put in his complete efforts in doing a work that he is intended to do but, he will surely give his 100% if the work he does is of his interest†. In my entire journey from my schooling to undergraduate study, I was always fascinated by the tremendous advancements in technology that made many troublesome tasks convenient to the mankind. The computer technology has ushered in a revolution that is unprecedented in its sweep. Its effect on the everyday lives of ordinary people has been phenomenal. Right from the super satellite control stations to the grocer’s humble shop, the efficient office and the busy kitchen in the home this technology is all pervasive, all consuming. This is what makes it one of the most challenging fields as it not only meets needs but has the power to create new needs, rules and total environments of its own. In this pursuit of doing masters in my areas of interest, I was happy to go through coursework for Computer Science and am really interested to do my MS in CS at your esteemed university. I prefer a reputed university in US for its gamut of opportunities and good scope for research in my field of interest. It’s a great privilege t... ... punctuality for which I am physically and mentally equipped. The main aim in opting for an American standard of education is very high competence Particularly in the field of Computer Science. Being a hard working and committed student, I am certain that I will be able to cope with the rigors of an International curriculum with ease. My determination to succeed and do well will enable me to be among the better students of your college. I sincerely request you to consider my application for admission into your reputed university. I would be grateful to you if I am accorded the opportunity to pursue my higher studies and given the opportunity, I am sure that I will be able to achieve my goals keeping in touch with the expectations of the university. Looking forward to be a part of your Master’s Degree Program. Thanks for your time

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Make-Up Art Cosmetics

Abstract M. A. C cosmetics started as a small business and has grown into a multimillion dollar organization. They are innovative and organized and promote customer service. There products are of the best in the industry and are reasonably priced. You can find M. A. C all over the world and being marketed by tons of well known celebrities. They focus on working together as teams and promote employees to think outside the box. Not only is the organization extremely successful but it is incredibly generous. Since 4000 BC the demonstrations of cosmetics was produced by the Egyptians.Cooper minerals, perfumed oils, cream made of sheep fat, lead and soot were used as face make-up to bestow beauty and style. In 1984 Make-up Art Cosmetics, better known as M. A. C was founded in Toronto, Canada by Frank Toskan and Frank Angelo. Toskan was a former make-up artist and photographer and Angelo a former hair salon owner. Both men saw the need for cosmetics that held up under high powered lights f ound in a photo shoot or runway show. Toskan and Angelo’s test market was in the basement at the Toronto department store Simpson’s. M. A.C was a hit, with its slick modern packaging and its hip and unique names. Once celebrities and fashion moguls started to use M. A. C its popularity exploded worldwide. M. A. C has become the leading brand of professional cosmetics. Majority interest acquired in 1994 by The Estee Lauder Companies Inc a $6. 3 billion dollar cosmetic tycoon. Sold in over 60 countries and territories M. A. C is a multimillion dollar bricks and clicks organization. M. A. C’s product categories include lip, eye, face, nail, skincare, brushes, tools/accessories, and fragrances. M.A. C products are used in films, television, theatre, music, fashion, special events and award shows. M. A. C’s philosophy is all races, all sexes, and all ages. M. A. C also has the website www. macpro. com designed only for cosmetic professional. They can learn new tips and get discounts on products. PRODUCT: M. A. C eyes product line consist of several different products from primer, shadow, mascara, liner, brow and lash. Its shadows play apart in all of M. A. C’s different collections and come in over 100 colors with creative names and different textures.Made in Canada by M. A. C chemist and manufactured by The Estee Lauder Companies Inc. Their shadows are highly pigmented applies evenly and blends well. Any product in the Viva Glam collection like the Warm Chill eye shadow, proceeds go directly to the M. A. C Aids foundation. Unlike other cosmetic companies M. A. C only hires skilled make-up artist to represent their products. M. A. C is one of the only companies that when you purchase their products a skilled make-up artist will show you exactly how to use the products by demonstration. M. A.C holds make-up seminars for their customers and conducts runway shows. Single powdered shadows are packaged in a round black container with a clear top in order to see the color and the bottom has the colors name. Combination shadow sets normally are in a rectangular shape. The majority of the time black, compact, and a sleek design are consistent with all M. A. C product packaging regardless of the product. Make-up Art Cosmetics trademark is M. A. C and is printed on all of their products and storefronts. To the left is an image of a wall in a Make-up Art Cosmetics store.PRICES: Compared to its popular competitors like Lancome $16. 50 US per shadow, Nars at $22. 00 US per shadow, Vincent Longo at $24. 00 US per single shadow, M. A. C’s eye shadows is only $14. 00 US below the market price for a single eye color shadow and even less expensive at $32. 50-$36. 00 US for color combination sets. M. A. C’s shadow prices don’t come with sticker shock and should attract any class of people. They don’t shout â€Å"I’m high end and only the rich can afford me†. The prices are affordable a nd they don’t fluctuate.The shadows are one fixed price and although they do not go on sale or clearance they are still a bargain for professional style products for consumers. PLACE: Before M. A. C consumers as I can get M. A. C product a channel of distribution must take place. M. A. C’s channel consists of a manufacturer The Estee Lauder Companies Inc – a billion dollar corporation, to several different wholesalers such as Florence’s Enterprises and Sage Within, masses of different retailers. Some retailers of M. A. C cosmetics are the M. A. C. Stores, Nordstrom’s, Bloomingdales, and Macys to name a few.M. A. C is sold in over 60 countries and territories to date. M. A. C can also be purchased on its website at www. maccosmetics. com. The consumer has the option to purchase M. A. C at their favorite department store or online within the comfort of their home. Marketing intermediaries are critical in this billion dollar industry of beauty and M. A. C cosmetics with its popular status is no different, M. A. C is too â€Å"big time† not to have marketing intermediaries in place. M. A. C cosmetics can be found in almost every US mall, whether it is in a popular department store or a M.A. C exclusive store providing place utility. PROMOTION: M. A. C stays innovative, very artsy, fashion forward and their advisements are always very colorful demanding attention when walking by a poster or flipping thru the pages of a fashion magazine. Their advertisements are never restrained always dramatic and in your face. M. A. C has a number of collections and one of them is their Viva Glam collection and celebrities are always used for this collections advising. Such celebrities as Pamela Anderson, Fergie, Eve, and Dita Von Tesse can be seen in Viva Glam advertisements.Expressing to consumers that if it’s good enough for this celebrity then it is good enough for you also creating brand association. All of the collections proc eeds go to the M. A. C Aids fund. M. A. C even collaborated with Disney in 2005 when M. A. C. Cosmetics introduced the Tint Toons collection based on classic Disney animals like Daisy Duck. (HOWARD, H 2010). As noted earlier M. A. C is a bricks and clicks organization. On their website www. maccosmetics. com standard shipping is free in the US with any $60 purchase and free standard shipping on and summer selects purchases until July 8th in the US only.M. A. C also mails brochures to existing customers advertising their newest collections. I just received a little pamphlet promoting their new Neo SCI-FI collection. Eye shadows remain the same price at $14. 00 US but come in a neon orange container versus the usual black. With spunky names like Time & Space, Magnetic Fields, and Expensive pink. You will not see M. A. C advertising in a commercial or infomercial but you will see global advertising as they are located all over the world. M. A. C does however partner with the department store Nordstrom’s and take part in their annual in house fashion shows.After the show guest can sign up with M. A. C to have a M. A. C artist do their make-up for free. During this time an artist will makeup your face encouraging you to purchase M. A. C products. I can contest it works every time! SRTATEGIC DECISION MAKING: M. A. C’s organization has utilizes the marketing mix in a victorious way creating a Multi million dollar organization that is well-known worldwide. Their shadows come in almost every color imaginable and some with names like Shadowy Lady, Nocturnelle and Poison Pen. M. A.C’s products are priced below market when compared to its competitors for professional style goods. Like most other big chain cosmetic companies M. A. C’s channel of distribution uses intermediaries and tons of retailers. M. A. C has some excellent promotional programs in place, bringing in empty containers in exchange for a free lipstick, free shipping on online pur chases, using very artistic style advertisements. Hiring only professional artist and having them sell the product is genius, who better to explain a product and show you how to use it then a professional instead of a regular employee off of the street.Donating proceeds to their AIDS fund and using trendy celebrities to promote collections. I wouldn’t change a thing, I think what M. A. C is doing works and I wouldn’t try to fix something that isn’t broken. SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY: M. A. C practices its social responsibility through the M. A. C Aids fund founded in 1994 by Toskan and the Back to M. A. C Program. M. A. C Aids fund supports men, women and children all over the world. The proceeds earned by M. A. C when it sells a Viva Glam lipstick are given to their AIDS fund, every cent. The company had many $128 million up to date for this AIDS find.The companies 11 board members are responsible for keeping what Toskan started in 1994 the success it is today. The Back to M. A. C Program is M. A. C’s way on helping the environment. For every seven empty M. A. C containers you return to a M. A. C store you will receive one free lipstick of your choice excluding the Viva Glam collection. ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN: Posted in all of Estee Lauder offices are the following principles: †¢Strive for excellence – deliver your best. †¢Put your customer first. Know your customers, understand their needs and surpass their expectations. Be passionate about what you do! Enthusiasm and energy are contagious. †¢Never stop caring. Show concern and respect for every individual, regardless of position or title. †¢Understand your role in the big picture. We’re all part of a larger whole. †¢Look for new and better ways to do things to continually raise our standards. †¢Communicate! Voice your ideas, share your concerns, pass on what you know and be honest. †¢Be a team player. We’re stronger when we work t ogether. †¢Listen when others speak. Good ideas can come from anywhere. †¢Be flexible.Success depends upon willingness to adapt when situations change. †¢Pay attention to details – little things do make a difference. †¢Solve the real problem, don’t treat the symptom. †¢Spread the good news. Let others know when they’ve done a good job. †¢Smile†¦. and have fun! (elcompanies,2010) These are characteristics of a learning organization. Creating a sense of community in their organizational culture, caring and strong mutual relationships. Utilizing teams and empowerment in their organizational design. Promoting information sharing and leadership. Robbins & Decenzo, 2008). CEO: As of July 2006 Mr. John Demsey oversees Estee Lauder, M†¢A†¢C, Tom Ford Beauty and Prescriptives brands as well the company’s Specialty Group of brands, Bobbi Brown, Jo Malone and La Mer, which were added to his portfolio in July 2009. (elcomp anies, 2010). But from 1998-2005 when Demsey was M. A. C’s president he expanded the company from 19 global markets to over 65 and is credited for making M. A. C into the billion dollar powerhouse it is today. Demsey has held several positions with the Estee Lauder corporation working his way up the ranks.In a nutshell, I wonder in founders Frank Toskan and Frank Angelo could have ever imagined that M. A. C would turn out to be such a huge empire. M. A. C has come a long way from selling in a departments store basement to selling all over the world in the companies own brand stores and in a multitude of popular retailers. M. A. C stays innovative, creative and all the rage. Their eye shadows are far form boring with a broad range of colors with great pigment and longevity in sleek round compact design packaging. M. A. C is reasonably priced for the average fashionista to afford.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Malaysian Culture Essay

Malaysia has a multi-ethnic, multicultural, and multilingual society. The original culture of the area stemmed from indigenous tribes that inhabited it, along with the Malays who later moved there. Substantial influence exists from Chinese and Indian culture, dating back to when foreign trade began. Other cultural influences include the Persian, Arabic, and British cultures. Due to the structure of the government, coupled with the social contract theory, there has been minimal cultural assimilation of ethnic minorities. Traditional Malaysian art was mainly centred around the areas of carving, weaving, and silversmithing.[181] Traditional art ranges from hand-woven baskets from rural areas to the silverwork of the Malay courts. Common artworks included ornamental kris, beetle nut sets, and woven batik and songket fabrics. Indigenous East Malaysians are known for their wooden masks.[94] Each ethnic group have distinct performing arts, with little overlap between them. However, Malay art does show some North Indian influence due to the historical influence of India. Traditional Malay music and performing arts appear to have originated in the Kelantan-Pattani region with influences from India, China, Thailand and Indonesia. The music is based around percussion instruments, the most important of which is the gendang (drum). There are at least 14 types of traditional drums. Drums and other traditional percussion instruments and are often made from natural materials. Music is traditionally used for storytelling, celebrating life-cycle events, and occasions such as a harvest. It was once used as a form of long-distance communication.[183] In East Malaysia, gong-based musical ensembles such as agung and kulintang are commonly used in ceremonies such as funerals and weddings. These ensembles are also common in neighbouring regions such as in the southern Philippines, Kalimantan in Indonesia, and Brunei. Malaysia’s cuisine reflects the multi-ethnic makeup of its population.[186] Many cultures from within the country and from surrounding regions have greatly influenced the cuisine. Much of the influence comes from the Malay, Chinese, Indian, Thai, Javanese, and Sumatran cultures,[94] largely due to the country being part of the ancient spice route.[187] The cuisine is very similar to that of Singapore and Brunei,[107] and also bears resemblance to Filipino cuisine.[94] The different states have varied dishes,[107] and often the food in Malaysia is different from the original dishes.[142]

Develop a solid career in customer service

Develop a solid career in customer service So you’ve decided customer service is the career for you! That’s great news, particularly if you’re a people person with a talent for handling different personality types. But be careful: the nature of your day-to-day work can often make it feel as though your career isn’t progressing forward. You’re so busy hopping from customer interaction to interaction, putting out fire after fire, that at the end of the day it seems like you’ve hardly made it closer to the goalposts. They seem to reset in the same place every day. If you’re along for the ride on this rapid-fire, non-stop, go-go-go ride, it can be really easy to get too burned out to try and plan your future career growth. Here are a few things you can do to make sure you’re moving forward, and not just treading water.First, decide where you ideally want to land.The field of â€Å"customer service† is actually relatively new, and is evolving at a rapid rate. There are tons of options available for you. Schedule yourself time on a recurring, frequent basis, to ask yourself what you actually want to end up doing in the longer term. Do you have a particular position or company you’d like to pursue? Then talk to your boss (or a trusted mentor) about how you can work toward your bigger goals. Don’t waste your time- if you don’t know what you want, it’s impossible to start planning how to achieve it. The sooner you figure it out, the sooner you can begin working towards more specific goals.Then, devise a specific plan.Whichever direction you choose, start strategizing and networking until you figure out a rough game plan of how to move that way. If you’re interested in management, for example, you can talk to people who’ve started where you are on the front lines and made it up to leadership roles. Ask to hear their stories. And if managing people doesn’t interest you, that’s fine! Start honing y our skills in your area of speciality, building your resume (and pursuing opportunities that will help you do just that), and building your brand. Become the go-to person in the industry that interests you the most.Finally, make the most of your time- wherever you are.Just because you’re in support now and don’t want to stay there indefinitely doesn’t mean it isn’t an important stepping stone to further opportunities. Starting out at entry-level is actually an asset. Having a support job on your resume shows that you’ve been in the trenches and know what it’s like to interface with clients day in and day out. Plus, in interviews you can talk about how you’ve honed the most important soft skills and tricks of the trade- empathy and patience.And just remember: even if you end up making a career just where you are- in support and interfacing with the customer- you can still work toward finding the most ideal position within that domain. If this is where you end up, you won’t necessarily have stagnated- you’ll have grown.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to pronounce Li Keqiang, Chinas premier

How to pronounce Li Keqiang, Chinas premier In this article, we will look at how to pronounce Li Keqiang (æ Å½Ã¥â€¦â€¹Ã¥ ¼ º), the   Premier of the State Council of the Peoples Republic of China. First, I will give you a quick and dirty way if you just want to have a rough idea how to pronounce the name. Then I’ll go through a more detailed description, including analysis of common learner errors. Pronouncing names in Chinese Pronouncing names in Chinese can be very hard if you havent studied the language; sometimes its hard even if you have. Many letters used to write the sounds in Mandarin (called Hanyu Pinyin) dont match the sounds they describe in English, so simply trying to read a Chinese name and guess the pronunciation will lead to many mistakes. Ignoring or mispronouncing tones will just add to the confusion. These mistakes add up and often become so serious that a native speaker would fail to understand. Read more about how to pronounce Chinese names. The quick and dirty way of pronouncing Li Keqiang Chinese names usually consist of three syllables, with the first being the family name and the last two the personal name. There are exceptions to this rule, but it holds true in a vast majority of cases. Thus, there are three syllables we need to deal with. Listen to the pronunciation here while reading the explanation. Repeat yourself! Li - Pronounce as lee.Ke - Pronounce as cu- in curve.Qiang - Pronounce as chi- in chin plus ang- in angry. If you want want to have a go at the tones, they are low, falling and rising respectively. Note: This pronunciation is not correct pronunciation in Mandarin. It represents my best effort to write the pronunciation using English words. To really get it right, you need to learn some new sounds (see below). How to actually pronounce Li Keqiang If you study Mandarin, you should never ever rely on English approximations like those above. Those are meant for people who dont intend to learn the language! You have to understand the orthography, i.e. how the letters relate to the sounds. There are many traps and pitfalls in Pinyin you have to be familiar with. Now, lets look at the three syllables in more detail, including common learner errors: LÇ  (third tone) - The l is a normal l as in English. Note that English has two variants of this sound, one light and one dark. Compare the l in light and full. The latter has a darker character and is pronounced farther back (its velarised). You want the light version here. The i in Mandarin is further forward and upward compared to i in English. Your tongue tip should be as far up and forward as possible while still pronouncing a vowel! Ke (fourth tone) - The second syllable is not that hard to pronounced okay, but is hard to get completely right. The k should be aspirated. The e is similar to the e in the English word the, but farther back. To get it completely right, you should have about the same position as when you say the [o] in Pinyin po, but your lips shouldnt be rounded. However, it will still be perfectly understandable if you dont go that far. Qiang (second tone) - The initial here is the only tricky part. q is an aspirated affricate, which means that it is the same a s Pinyin x, but with a short stop t in front and with aspiration. The tongue tip should be down, lightly touching the teeth ridge behind the lower teeth. The are some variations for these sounds, but Li Keqiang (æ Å½Ã¥â€¦â€¹Ã¥ ¼ º) can be written like this in IPA: [liÌ€ kÊ °Ã‰ ¤ tÉ•Ê °jaÅ‹] Conclusion Now you know how to pronounce Li Keqiang (æ Å½Ã¥â€¦â€¹Ã¥ ¼ º). Did you find it hard? If you’re learning Mandarin, dont worry; there arent that many sounds. Once you’ve learnt the most common ones, learning to pronounce words (and names) will become much easier!

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Research Paper Proposal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Research Paper Proposal - Essay Example If we believe that racism is dead and quit looking for it, we are being set up for a repeat of our past. When we no longer openly discuss racism, we allow it to slowly fester beneath the surface of our society. We are ignoring the elephant in the room while it is slowly growing larger and larger. I hope to prove that racism is still alive. I hope to find evidence that society destroyed the old Jim Crow laws and other forms of open racism only to replace them with hidden racism. I want to discover how racism, now that it is no longer openly tolerated in society, has gone underground. I want to discover how, when we no longer discuss racism, it grows outside of our consciousness. I care about the topic of racism because it is a part of our society that I believe will never fully disappear. Humans always make snap judgments based on appearances. This reflex is what allows us to avoid poisonous snakes based on the shape of their heads or the patterns on their backs. But, this same reflex causes us to make snap decisions about people that grow and become racism. These decisions then become a part of our society and become tolerated. Regardless of your race, racism affects every member of our society. Racism keeps our society from making progress by insuring that certain members of our society do not make social progress. If we subjugate members of our population, our society is unable to fully realize its potential. Discoveries that these members may make are nullified by the fact that we tolerate discrimination and racism. Currently, most of our society wants to believe that racism is dead. However, just one example that it is not is the current social status of black members of American society. Historically, the black population has been less wealthy than other members of society. This disparity is a result of slavery and institutional racism. If we are to believe current commentators, education is the path to wealth and

Friday, October 18, 2019

Change Models Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Change Models - Essay Example All these factors will be outlined in a change model. The first change model that can be adopted is popularly known as ADKAR Change Management Model. This model manages the change process by basically linking the activities related to change with a particular business goal decided by the management. This helps in the execution process of the change. The management will be able to know which specific change activity related to the merger is not giving the results that were anticipated. Once identified, the activity can be avoided by changing its course of action. This change model also helps a manager figure out gaps in the change management process. Most importantly, ADKAR creates awareness for the need to change, creates desire among the employees to support the change, provides knowledge of how the organization should go about it, encourages the employees and management by providing the ability to implement the change process and lastly, demands reinforcements to keep the change process successful. In short, it can be used to assist the employees through the change process, investigate if and why employees are resistant to change and create a successful change plan for the employees and the management once the change has been initiated (Change Management). All the points discussed above explain how this change model is helpful. However, at the same time, this change model is very simplified. It fails to take into account various situational problems that could occur which will result in no contingency plans for the organization. Another change model that can be adopted is the Lewin, Three-step Change model. This model basically analyses two types of forces (driving and resisting forces) in any change process. The driving forces must be more than the resisting forces in order for the change to occur. In our scenario, the management must list all the driving forces and the resisting forces

Little Red Roaster (LRR) coffee outlets Case Study

Little Red Roaster (LRR) coffee outlets - Case Study Example This paper will therefore bring to the surface the weaknesses that prevent quick growth of the business due to managerial poor approach. It will also identify and discuss on those threats that arise from the external environment and thus outside control of the business. While doing so, this case report will also identify the strengths the business has achieved out of its current operating strategies and the opportunities available. Upon a critical analysis of the problem, it emerges that LRR faces more business development challenges in terms of expanding than mismanagement. The business is challenged with how best it can expand its current operating capacity to tap the improperly tapped coffee beverage market. The report analysis will also therefore endeavor to analyze the seemingly big problems related to room for expansion, outside catering and delivery of products. After identifying all these factors, this case analysis and report will review the alternatives available for a new course of action. In so doing, the case report will also discuss and elaborate on the reasons for adoption of such criteria. The adoption of any criterion will be based on the overall financial position of the Little Red Roast and the interplay of other external variables like availability of space and ready and reliable market. Alternatives are usually not necessarily the only choices to choose from by a business. Therefore the report will only identify the options and present them to the management for final decision-making. Recommendation for LRR will be based on the overall analysis and available options for the business. Rationale for such recommendation will be based on other aspects like the consequences of each one of them. Every new venture comes with its own unpredictable risks. This case report will therefore also do a forecast of possible risks that come with the available options. It will be up to the management to decide which option will be in the best interest for th e business given the prevailing circumstances and condition. Finally, this case report will come up with an action plan with critical Steps, potential problem identified above and a contingency plan for each step in the action plan. This will be tabulated for ease of analysis and better understanding of the scenario. It is of vital importance to note that all these are aimed at helping LRR expand its coffee business in the most profitable manner that is both customer friendly and management friendly. Situational Analysis LRR is a chain of small retail coffee shops that offer a variety of light foods and beverages. The business outlet started as a retail business in 1995. It is located in various places such as Byron, Covent Garden Market, London Central Library, and London Provincial Courthouse. It also operates in Springbuck, St. Thomas-Elgin General Hospital, The renaissance and Wortley village. The business offers coffees, tea, gourmet beverages, breakfast, light lunches and snac ks. The company has been in business for eight years (seventeen years by now) and continues to

Impact of social networking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Impact of social networking - Research Paper Example As a result, it was only selected few military officials who had access to it. Due to the security level required in military, it was initially kept as a secret. By this time, computers were not accessible to many persons, which remedied its fast expansion. In addition, very few people understood the machine language. To many people, sitting in front of a machine seemed isolation and was not welcomed. Preliminary stages The social networking gains its roots from the use of computer software referred to as Bulletin Board System, which ensured that the people had a chance to log in into the system. This program used a terminal program. By using the code, people were able to share files and information. The communication was done via telephone lines and managed by few technological conversant personnel who had passion in it. By that time, communication through telephone lines was free only for people living within town. As time passed by, people started gathering while accessing the ser vices, which slowly transformed the people’s perception of the system as antisocial. During 1970’s to early 1990’s, the system access points were fixed at specific points. Due to the technological advancement at the time, the users were allowed to share only limited type of information. The speed of the system was not that fast but good enough to meet the needs of the time. Another program that was crucial to the early development of the social communication network was CompuServe. This program was mainly used for business transactions. In the 1980,s, it expanded to be used by other persons other than businesspersons. The service allowed persons to share files and information irrespective of their location. In addition, People were able to access different discussions undertaken by other persons and participate. This was a breakthrough in technology as very few people had an idea of it becoming a reality. This brought forth the advent of emails. American online (AOL) also played a significant in the continuous improvement of social networking. It provided a platform where one could search for other persons. This feature was very outstanding which attracted more people into the social networking. Internet Boom The internet came to boom in mid-1990’s. This enabled persons to create their profiles as well as search for different persons such as schoolmates online though social networks such as Another social networking network operational at the boom of the internet was This network allowed members to create profiles as well as share different materials. Due increase their membership numbers, the members were asked to bring more persons. As time passed by, the security of the network was compromised reducing loyalty by the members that eventually led to its collapse at the start of the twenty first century. Other numerous sites such as,, and were developed in 1 990’s have thrived up to date. In the twenty first century, technological advancement helped emerging networking sites such as LinkedIn, MySpace, Friendster, and Facebook emerge and develop new strategies that have assisted them in getting very many members. These networks vary on their purpose with some integrating various aspects such as dating and normal chatting in their framework. Their graphical user interface and security levels have constantly been improving to offer safety for their customer’

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Reasons for and Effects of Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Reasons for and Effects of Exercise - Essay Example Whatever the reasons for exercising, one thing is for sure-- people are influenced and driven by their circumstances. Every individual exercises for one or various reasons and it could be clearly seen that such effect has always has a cause. This paper will look even deeper at what causes people to exercise such as physical fitness, emotional and psychological health as well as strength and stamina. Furthermore, it will also examine the results such as healthier body, mind and emotions. With the rise of the influence of the entertainment industry among different groups of people, exercise has become a focus among many individuals. Entertainers often portray that a skinny body is more desirable to the opposite sex than a plump one so that most people desire to have the former form of body structure. Regardless of gender, people want to look thin because they are more attractive that way. However, with the fast-paced lifestyle of most people nowadays, it is really difficult to maintain a lean body because of the oil and carbohydrate contents of the fast foods available to busy people. As a result, people tend to engage more in exercise to burn the fats and stay slim. In fact, more and more exercise gurus are getting popular because of the different exercise regimens they introduce to entertainment personalities who in turn advertise them when they successfully achieve and maintain the figure they desire through such programs. Those who religiously stick to their schedules of exercise often get their desired outcomes. They do lose weight and have leaner bodies which are indeed more attractive to look at. As a result, they are able to attract the attention of the opposite sex even more than those who do not engage in exercise. Females tend to have smaller waistlines and flatter stomachs. Men on the other hand build more muscles which make them look more manly and desirable. Their big muscles make them look strong and able. In addition, they also get rid of the beer belly which is often common among older men. Therefore, it could be said that one of the reasons for exercise is to achieve a desired body and the result would be successful in the case of a person who diligently exercises. Another reason, perhaps a better and more objective logic for engaging in exercise is physical health. As mentioned earlier, people exercise to get rid of the excess and unwanted fats. Indeed, they get slimmer as a result. However, in effect, they also get stronger and healthier bodies because during the process, those who exercise sweat as a result of the physical activity. It is popularly known that when one sweats, he excretes bodily wastes and toxins that make a person unhealthy. Therefore, exercise does not only make one get thinner but healthier as well. In addition, physical exercise helps regulate the heart’s functions. When one gets tired through physical activity, his heart beats faster and therefore, indirectly, the heart is exercised. This hel ps the blood flow more smoothly as well because the fats in the veins melt as the body temperature rises. The aforementioned is the reason why most doctors recommend exercise regimens to most patients especially those who are suffering from heart problems. Such diseases are often observed among obese people. It may be rude to tell an obese patient to exercise however doctors can be wise enough to educate patients about how the heart functions and how exercise makes it become healthier. Studies show that when fats are in excess, they can cover the heart, making it difficult to pump blood. As a result, the heart is weakened and complications such as stroke and heart attack occur. However, through exercise, such health problems are

Informatics in Dental Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Informatics in Dental Education - Essay Example Yet actual applications and studies in this area are a relatively recent phenomenon. In the world of speed, accuracy and compaction, none would make a dentist's best secretary than the computing systems that virtually rule all areas of life. The benefits that computer and information technology can provide to the field of dentistry may as well set it apart from all the dentistry that has been carried out as a separate era. IT and dentistry have just started to converge, and it is only a matter of time before the full extent of the union will be known. What is heartening to know is the awareness dentists have about the role of computers in their dental setup, and other work places such as educational institutes, and conferences etc.With more and more advancement in the teaching methods around the world, it is not surprising that computers and IT are being utilized as teaching aids to dentistry. These softwares have been given many names, including Computer Aided Instruction or CAI, Computer Assisted Learning or CAL, instructional soft ware, and Computer Based Training or CBT. (Schleyer & Johnson, Nov. 2003) The functions of these soft wares are of two types. While the course management tools are aimed to help teachers maintain their schedules and different aspects of teaching and curriculum methodology, the other use is ways to increase a student's access to the educational material apart from the traditional paper book concept. The use of such materials in dentistry teaching has given many positive feedback comments, as the teach er or instructor is able to choose from a variety of ways to teach a subject. With the help of pictures and presentations and clips, the teacher is able to convey the concepts in a show tell way. The hard wares and the soft wares are mostly integrated in the teaching program. All that remains is for the teachers to be well versed in the using of such tools. (Schleyer & Johnson, Nov. 2003) There are very few researchers who are involved in studying ht effects of digital dentistry, IT and CBT in the overall scene of dental education. Of these the works of Johnson and Schleyer are perhaps the most contributory. These two gentlemen have helped in clearing many of the issues of digital dentistry, while inviting us to understand the different complexities that may be caused by such devices. Awareness of IT and distance education has led to many conclusions. For example, the World Health Organization maintains that students and their cultural differences and requirements should be the prime focus of providing dental education. This can only be achieved by sharing different aspects of curriculum designing and outlining. By providing and sharing this information, it will be easier for students to access different educational pursuits across the world with ease. The use of intra and extra net is another contributory factor that can be implemented within the learning methods and systems. (Yip, 1999) I.T and integration of computer technology will help in building careers and technology skills, increase the information assimilation skills, will expand learning opportunities for those who may not access such directly, help in increasing the level

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Impact of social networking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Impact of social networking - Research Paper Example As a result, it was only selected few military officials who had access to it. Due to the security level required in military, it was initially kept as a secret. By this time, computers were not accessible to many persons, which remedied its fast expansion. In addition, very few people understood the machine language. To many people, sitting in front of a machine seemed isolation and was not welcomed. Preliminary stages The social networking gains its roots from the use of computer software referred to as Bulletin Board System, which ensured that the people had a chance to log in into the system. This program used a terminal program. By using the code, people were able to share files and information. The communication was done via telephone lines and managed by few technological conversant personnel who had passion in it. By that time, communication through telephone lines was free only for people living within town. As time passed by, people started gathering while accessing the ser vices, which slowly transformed the people’s perception of the system as antisocial. During 1970’s to early 1990’s, the system access points were fixed at specific points. Due to the technological advancement at the time, the users were allowed to share only limited type of information. The speed of the system was not that fast but good enough to meet the needs of the time. Another program that was crucial to the early development of the social communication network was CompuServe. This program was mainly used for business transactions. In the 1980,s, it expanded to be used by other persons other than businesspersons. The service allowed persons to share files and information irrespective of their location. In addition, People were able to access different discussions undertaken by other persons and participate. This was a breakthrough in technology as very few people had an idea of it becoming a reality. This brought forth the advent of emails. American online (AOL) also played a significant in the continuous improvement of social networking. It provided a platform where one could search for other persons. This feature was very outstanding which attracted more people into the social networking. Internet Boom The internet came to boom in mid-1990’s. This enabled persons to create their profiles as well as search for different persons such as schoolmates online though social networks such as Another social networking network operational at the boom of the internet was This network allowed members to create profiles as well as share different materials. Due increase their membership numbers, the members were asked to bring more persons. As time passed by, the security of the network was compromised reducing loyalty by the members that eventually led to its collapse at the start of the twenty first century. Other numerous sites such as,, and were developed in 1 990’s have thrived up to date. In the twenty first century, technological advancement helped emerging networking sites such as LinkedIn, MySpace, Friendster, and Facebook emerge and develop new strategies that have assisted them in getting very many members. These networks vary on their purpose with some integrating various aspects such as dating and normal chatting in their framework. Their graphical user interface and security levels have constantly been improving to offer safety for their customer’

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Informatics in Dental Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Informatics in Dental Education - Essay Example Yet actual applications and studies in this area are a relatively recent phenomenon. In the world of speed, accuracy and compaction, none would make a dentist's best secretary than the computing systems that virtually rule all areas of life. The benefits that computer and information technology can provide to the field of dentistry may as well set it apart from all the dentistry that has been carried out as a separate era. IT and dentistry have just started to converge, and it is only a matter of time before the full extent of the union will be known. What is heartening to know is the awareness dentists have about the role of computers in their dental setup, and other work places such as educational institutes, and conferences etc.With more and more advancement in the teaching methods around the world, it is not surprising that computers and IT are being utilized as teaching aids to dentistry. These softwares have been given many names, including Computer Aided Instruction or CAI, Computer Assisted Learning or CAL, instructional soft ware, and Computer Based Training or CBT. (Schleyer & Johnson, Nov. 2003) The functions of these soft wares are of two types. While the course management tools are aimed to help teachers maintain their schedules and different aspects of teaching and curriculum methodology, the other use is ways to increase a student's access to the educational material apart from the traditional paper book concept. The use of such materials in dentistry teaching has given many positive feedback comments, as the teach er or instructor is able to choose from a variety of ways to teach a subject. With the help of pictures and presentations and clips, the teacher is able to convey the concepts in a show tell way. The hard wares and the soft wares are mostly integrated in the teaching program. All that remains is for the teachers to be well versed in the using of such tools. (Schleyer & Johnson, Nov. 2003) There are very few researchers who are involved in studying ht effects of digital dentistry, IT and CBT in the overall scene of dental education. Of these the works of Johnson and Schleyer are perhaps the most contributory. These two gentlemen have helped in clearing many of the issues of digital dentistry, while inviting us to understand the different complexities that may be caused by such devices. Awareness of IT and distance education has led to many conclusions. For example, the World Health Organization maintains that students and their cultural differences and requirements should be the prime focus of providing dental education. This can only be achieved by sharing different aspects of curriculum designing and outlining. By providing and sharing this information, it will be easier for students to access different educational pursuits across the world with ease. The use of intra and extra net is another contributory factor that can be implemented within the learning methods and systems. (Yip, 1999) I.T and integration of computer technology will help in building careers and technology skills, increase the information assimilation skills, will expand learning opportunities for those who may not access such directly, help in increasing the level

Cross-cultural Interactions Essay Example for Free

Cross-cultural Interactions Essay Communication differs in various cultures. A multinational or a global company employs a great number of people with different cultural traits. Some may possess traits that are good for business when sent to countries away from home and some may not take up this responsibility well. People with different values respond in various ways to leadership especially from leaders from a different background or culture. Cultural diversity is very wide and this would cause to some extent difficulties for a foreigner in a strange land. This is mainly because the foreigner has ittle or no knowledge of the lands culture. For instance being a German and working in a subsidiary of the German mother company in China, I have come to realize the big difference that there is in various cultures. The team that I work with is a cross- cultural team. National culture does not fit with the organizational culture from my experience in this cross-cultural team. National culture is the values that an individual learns early in life and continues to grow or change slowly with generations. It is highly held in individuals hence difficult to influence . Organizational culture on the other hand means the wide guidelines that are created by an organization and is rooted on the Job tasks and practices.. It is a programmed way of thinking and reacting. It is used to differentiate a certain category of people from the other. Due to the deeply held national culture by people, it is difficult to change the organizational culture especially in a cross-cultural team. This is because for some, the organizational culture goes against the national culture therefore the practices of the organization will be taken for granted and undermined e. . a eadership trait which falls under an organizational culture can be easily shunned by a particular employee from a different culture if the trait is against his/her national trait. I encounter various tensions at my workplace. A group of a certain culture will follow or conform to a certain set of values and beliefs, and the other would differ from them. A large group with a set of similar values would f all in the same culture. The minority and the majority therefore have conflict when it comes to certain situations within the team. For instance, Germans are always on schedule and very unctual. This is their national culture. In the cross-cultural team there are people who have different perception when it comes to keeping time. When it comes to attending meetings for instance, there will be a set of people who will be punctual and those who will be late. This is a cause for tension within the cross-cultural team. Tension is a known cause for a decrease in a companys productivity. Action should therefore be taken to resolve tension or conflict in these teams. Conflict is a challenge that is always faced by a team that is cross-cultural because it arises from time to time. The success and failure of a team depends on its response in time of conflict. To initiate organizational changes, I have done research and have come up with a plan of giving lessons to my team members. These lessons dont give a direct solution to the conflicts but guidance on how to prevent, respond to and manage tension. The tips in my lesson plan include: Knowledge ot one selt and culture- when one becomes aware ot his culture, i. e. here he/she comes from and who he/she really is, it becomes easier to understand other peoples background hence become open to different ideas. This can be chieved by establishing friendship within the team Being inquisitive- ask other members with a different background from yours about your new environment and how best things are run and more importantly know how to deal with situations to avoid conflict Listen to people from a differen t culture effectively to have a better understanding of one anothers ways. This should only be done in situations where it doesnt cause discomfort. Learn the expectations of others by having conversations about conflicts and the way forward when it arises. Management culture that suits every single person from a different culture should be ut in place. Management culture is one of the most critical leadership tools. In my opinion, a type of management that respects the differences and similarities of all employees should be adopted. Excellent organizational culture is the main goal of a company or an organization in regards toa cross-cultural team. To achieve this goal, management culture must be put in place . First of all, understanding the uniqueness and the differences of each individual is very important. This is largely referred to as work place diversity. Diversity entails religious beliefs, gender, race, age, political beliefs, sexual orientation and ethnicity. To deal effectively with this, the HR should check on issues such as communication, coping with differences and change. Management culture is important because it creates a comfortable and positive working environment hence higher productivity from the employees. The following management strategies should be adopted: Acquiring knowledge about different cultures and their ways of conducting business The leaders should nurture the communication, creative and cultural skills of various employees and utilize these skills to improve the policies, customer service and their products Being open minded. This involves leaders and their employees coming out of their comfort zone and accepting ways that they are not familiar with in terms of management. People from different backgrounds can factor in better and fresh ideas which could result in better services and performance Formulation of programs that will recognize the diversity of each individual. This will result in more interest in their roles Posting employees to areas where they can advance culturally Language training Taking care of employees complaints and issues Testing the organizations practices to make sure that no discrimination against any ulture is practiced. At times, conflict becomes inevitable between members in the subsidiary. It always happens when there are people with a variety of different expectations. In a situation like this, I would resolve to a different way of handling conflict. The first step would be to make the employees aware of the difference in culture among them. Apart from making them aware, I would formulate a program where all employees will be taught about the existence ot diversity and to learn ways ot respecting these different values and practices. Encouraging the team to take up tasks overseas henever an opportunity arises is another positive way to handle inevitable conflicts. This will improve the interaction of employees with different backgrounds and cultures. The more knowledgeable they get about a variety of cultures, the more understanding of each other they also get. To avoid recurring tensions, another important strategy to follow through is to offer counselling to employees and their families that are moving to a new country. This can be done before and after the international assignment . When positive relationships are built between diverse individuals, a deeper understanding of each other is formed.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Development of Graffiti as an Art Form

Development of Graffiti as an Art Form Graffiti: The Urban Canvas The Development of Graffiti as Art There are many ways in which the Graffiti we see today has developed over time to become known and recognised as an art form. However, it is a controversial subject often covered by journalists in the media as to whether Graffiti today is an up to date urban artistic development or simply mindless vandalism as often thought by society. The history of Graffiti can date back as early as prehistoric cave paintings and stone carvings created by early man to tell and record stories and news of the day. Using stone tools and natural pigments, which over time have developed into similar tools and materials that artists also use at present, produced these pieces. However, we can start to relate the conventional lettering we see today with the style of Roman Graffiti. The Romans would create signs and notices on the walls of buildings and businesses. An example of this was when Brothels would advertise business. The most recognisable motif behind Graffiti, particularly from the twentieth century into the twenty-first century would be music. Rock and Roll music of the nineteen-fifties and sixties proved as influential to youth then as it does now. One of the most famously photographed pieces of graffiti during this time was the Clapton is God slogan that one young fan of Musician Eric Clapton spraypainted onto a wall in London. This proved music had become influential upon youth culture within society. Not only this, but the effects of American culture on the impressionable juveniles of London. Rock and Roll, many say was the start of younger peoples rebellion in their teen years and the Graffiti that occurred to publicise fans love for their favoured band is strong evidence of this. Although, not so much as the effects of American Hip Hop from the eighties continuing on until the present day. Hip-Hop culture truly became popular in the nineteen-eighties, originating on the streets of New Yor k in the late nineteen-seventies. Hip-Hop Graffiti started to move from the subways to the streets in favour of the gang culture that started to arise with the increased popularity of the movement. Like many, the artist Jean Michel Basquiat started his artistic career in the music industry, associating with several Hip-Hop musicians who began in New York. In his time Another popular theme strongly associated with the increasing popularity of Graffiti is Politics. Graffiti has always been a tool for people to speak their mind, but its power has evolved over time from simple war propaganda of World War One and Two, to heightened political ridicule focused on the English and U.S governments current involvement in the war in Iraq and combating Terrorism. Graffiti has the advantage of being read by thousands of people. True, that speech is also effective but it seems that Graffiti has that edge when it comes to putting a point across. Graffiti can last a lot longer than words and its almost eerie silence to say something yet simply appear in a matter of seconds emerges as a bold statement and can be as big or small as its creator insists. Of course not all political Graffiti that has emerged over the years has been positive. For instance, during World War two, Nazi occupancy in Europe encouraged the etching of Swastikas and Anti-Semitic phrases such a s schweizer wehrt euch, kauft nicht bei Juden! meaning, Dont buy, Jews! Which were scribbled on Jewish occupied businesses in bold lettering. Even still, such political and social prejudices still exist through Graffiti. An example of this being the murals that have been painted on the sides of houses, buildings and walls in Northern Ireland to represent IRA territory and power or protests against the establishment. Such pieces of Graffiti seem to be overhanging reminders of the current political situation that drastically effects the area. Furthermore the subject of crime has always had a lot of association with Graffiti. Even though countless individuals see Graffiti as art nowadays, there is still very much the stereotypical belief that a spray can used on a wall to create an image constitutes vandalism. Sadly, crime is a contradicting element to Graffiti. An example of the law against Graffiti is a statement released by police in Norfolk, England, declaring A neglected physical environment is unsafe as it undermines pride in the local community that can lead to further degradation. It can also trigger other anti-social behaviour activities. It is therefore very important that Graffiti crime is stamped out and offenders challenged and penalised for it. Graffiti should be removed swiftly and offenders prevented from doing it again. which is clearly a tool of propaganda in recruiting people to stamp out Graffiti, whatever its purpose or appearance. However, there is a very important matter concerning chalk marks left b y burglars on the walls of homes or residences to signify the significant details of the establishment. For example, a circle with a cross through it, to indicate there is nothing of interest here. Perhaps more disturbingly though an upside down triangle with a wavy line on top denotes that a burglar knows that women live here alone. This shows that seemingly harmless markings in chalk that to an innocent eye could be made by a child encourage burglary and perhaps other crimes on top of this. One of the most notable issues that occurred, however, from the late eighties into the nineties, particularly in New York with the Hip Hop gang culture, was the vast increase in drug crime and demise of safety on the streets. As a consequence, the amount of graffiti artists and writers diminished as it was deemed too unsafe to walk the streets for fear of being shot, for example. It seems that within todays society the main argument is finding the distinction between art and vandalism. Since the development of lettering and tagging, which is the technique of posting your nickname wherever, you have been, there has been the expansion into Graffiti artists creating murals and spray-caned images that look like they should be in galleries. Maybe that is the difference between a conventional painting and a Graffiti piece is that the aim of a painting is to be hung in a gallery, whereas a Graffiti piece is constantly viewed by a very public gallery around the clock. One of the more prominent developments of Graffiti over the past couple of years is the expansion of Graffiti into the art world by existing commercial artists experimenting with techniques often associated with this particular style. Artist Tracy Emin for example has completed etchings and paintings consisting of lettering, random brush strokes and figure outlines. Another element that has contributed to the influx in Graffiti around town is the increase in spray paint products, including various shape nozzles to achieve different spray effects. Therefore it is no wonder that people have started to create larger and more complex pictures and murals because the tools have evolved over the years to make the process easier. However there is an argument with the Graffiti world that there is a clear divide between the commercial artists and the average urban artist. As we can see today, we have become a multicultural society in which we have taken on many different forms of artistic expression to convey issues that we feel matter to us. However, the ways in which this has come about has evolved through time along with the rights of man. Graffiti is a gateway to free speech in many aspects and we have become a lot more able to speak out. The Berlin wall was a good example of demanding peace through graffiti, insisting that divides in society are not the answer. Graffiti has definitely been able to become a form of artistic installation, with the widespread method of producing murals to decorate derelict or downtown communities around the world, such in Brazil and Spain, where it is a celebrated part of youth culture. Graffiti has definitely moved on from being a solely negative aspect of society and developed into a true urban art form, with walls becoming urban canvases of the modern age. Of course there are still those who do still use graffiti as vandalism, but many have now come to recognize graffiti as the major artistic genre of the 21st century.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

GentleHands by M.E. Kerr :: essays research papers

What would you do if your Grandfather were accused of being a sadist in WWII? That’s exactly what happened to Buddy Boyle. Gentlehands by M.E. Kerr is about Buddy Boyle, a lower class man who lives year-round in Seaville, and Skye Pennington, a rich girl who only spends her summer there. Skye and Buddy fall in love. On one of their dates, Buddy decides that they should go to his grandfather’s house. Near the end of the summer, Buddy’s grandfather is accused of torturing people during WWII. Buddy and Skye’s love leads into many events in this book. One of the events that Buddy and Skye’s love causes, is Buddy getting in trouble with his parents. At dinner one night, Buddy keeps tell his family about how wonderful Skye’s house is. His father gets annoyed and asks him to step outside for a talk. Once outside, Buddy’s dad starts to beat him. â€Å"What is was a punch to my neck, so hard I fell down from the weight of it.† Although he knows what will happen when he goes out with Skye, he still goes out. Another event that their love leads to is Buddy getting to know his grandfather. On one of their first dates he wants to go somewhere special, so he chose to go to his grandfather’s house. After that day, he becomes close to his grandfather. He starts to live with his grandfather. If Buddy never met Skye, he probably wouldn’t have became close to his grandfather. Despite the relationship between Buddy and his Skye, Buddy’s little brother was suffering. Buddy promised Streaker, his brother that he would go to the bay with him. Instead, he told him that he would turn the sprinkler on for him. â€Å"Then I stuck two dimes in his piggy bank because I felt like a real rat.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Capitalism Essay -- essays research papers

By definition, Capitalism is an economic system controlled chiefly by individuals and private companies instead of by the government. In this system, individuals and companies own and direct most of the resources used to produce goods and services, including land and other natural resources labor, and â€Å"capital†. â€Å"Capital† includes factories and equipment and sometimes the money used in businesses (Friedman, 5). Capitalism stresses private economic decisions. People are free to decide how they will earn and spend their income. Companies may choose which goods and services to produce and how much to charge for them. They also compete with one another to sell products. Nations whose economies are based on capitalism include the United States, Germany, Canada, and Japan. Although a private individual or group of individuals may control their income and a large section of an economy, the government can control some aspects of the economy in every nation. Capitalism is some times called Free enterprise, despite its limits established by the government. Many organizations and businesses flourish from the existence of capitalism. Non-profit organizations prosper from capitalism such as: The Roman Catholic Church. As one of the largest and most common religions in the world, the Roman Catholic faith is sustained through capitalism, for it is a capitalist organization. It can be considered a Capitalist organization in the fact that income is freely given in return for nothing. One’s religion can definitely influence their economic decisions, lifestyle and social status. The Roman Catholic Church believes that capitalism can become a type of injustice. For example, some people in capitalist nations can afford many luxuries. But at the same time, others lack adequate food, housing, and other needs. This unequal distribution of wealth results largely from capitalism’s emphasis on individuality. The Catholic Church cites examples of inequality as incorrect. However, the church and other religious denominations thrive from others’ prosperity and income. Capitalism is a definite social justice issue. One reason why people do not necessarily feel obligated to help others less fortunate than him or herself is because the economy focuses on individualism, which leads to greed and hoarding. Another reason why capitalism is a social justice issue is that it deprives certain... ...ject to all kinds of taxation and regulation. Today in our society, we need government's permission to drive, to work, to open and to run a business, and even to own and hold property. The government is no longer our servant; it became our master. The government, once established to ban the use of force among men, now is the greatest aggressor of all. In the name of helping the needy, it assaults the productive and strips them of their rights and property. But if productive Americans have no rights then no American has them either. America, born as a free country, has been transfigured into a welfare state, where the needs of some became a blank check on the fortunes of others (Tate, 44,45). But we are still in time to regain our rights if only we understand better their meaning, their value and their power. If Americans are to be the free again, and America is to remain the greatest nation on Earth, we must hold sacred our individual rights to "Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness." America was founded on the noblest of ideals: the right of every individual to his life. America will only live as long as its ideals live in our hearts and in our minds (kronen, 102).

Friday, October 11, 2019

Carbon Dioxide and Deforestation

Kayla Luther Module 4 Assignment 2 Course Project July 27, 2011 Outline : Deforestation Introduction: Deforestation is not something we can just look over. There are many things in our lives that we take pride in and protecting our forest is one of them. Our trees help our animals live, our crops grow, and our families survive. Thesis Statement: How do humans benefit from the trees? Arguments: I. Is deforestation the cause of climate change? A. The forest can provide many different products. 1. Consumers use these products everyday ? Cost of products increasing 2. Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere ? Most trees hold in the carbon dioxide . Changes in the ecosystem ? loss of trees mean higher risk of disasters. II. Rain forest are slowly vanishing B. â€Å"Slash and Burn† process. 1. Many farmers are following this process. ? new farmers and crops 2. loss of animals and species ? lose their homes and food 3. the rate of deforestation ? within 100 years all forest will be vanished III. Ecosystem vs. Deforestation C. The forest ecosystem benefits all humans. 1. Most places don’t have fresh water sources so the forest provides many resources. ? clean water 2. We takes trees for granted but what really is their purpose. ? Trees collect CO2 and release oxygen IV. Is pollution worse than deforestation? D. Flying in an airplane is better than cutting down trees. 1. The amount of CO2 released into the atmosphere ? One day of deforestation equals 8 million people flying 2. The amount of CO2 a tree holds. ? released into the atmosphere V. Is livestock and crops really that important? E. How can the livestock and crops live without tress? 1. Farmers should find clear land instead of clearing land. ? Trees provide food, shade, water, and oxygen for the livestock and crops. 2. New businesses and communities ? loss of trees VI. Where would the world be without trees? F. Is the world going to end because the lack of oxygen? 1. Natural Disasters are causing trees to be torn down. ? Tornadoes, hurricanes, and drought 2. Recycling will help reduce the amount of trees that have to be cut down ? use less packaging, paper, and plastic Conclusion: If we start thinking about our futures then we shouldn't have any problems in reducing the way we live now. Our planet needs our help by saving it and protecting what we have left. We all need to start by recycling, planting trees, and save what wildlife we have left. Even if we only help by ding one thing it is still considered helping. References: FAO. (2006). Scientific facts on forest retrieved on July 13, 2011 from http://www. greenfacts. org/en/forests/index. htm#2 Facing the Future (2011). Deforestation retrieved on July 27, 2011 from www. facingthefuture. org/servicelearning/fastfactsquickactions/deforestation/tabid/182/default National Geographic. (2011). Deforestation retrieved on July 13, 2011 from http://environment. nationalgeographic. com/environment/global-warming/deforestation-overview. html University of Michigan (n/d). Deforestation retrieved on July 13, 2011 from http://www. globalchange. umich. du/globalchange2/current/lectures/deforest/deforest. html Howden, D (2007). Deforestation: the Hidden Cause of Global Warming retrieved on July 13, 2011 from http://www. independent. co. uk/environment/climate-change/deforestation-the-hidden-cause-of-global-warming-448734. html Emulgator. org (2005-2008). Pros and Cons of Deforestation retrieved on July 13, 2011 from http://www. emulgator. org/Politics-and- Government/5715-The-Pros-And-Cons-of-Deforestation Deforestation ( 2008). Pros and Cons of Deforestation retrieved on July 13, 2011 from http://edu. udym. com/pros-and-cons-of-deforestation/